The casual and celebratory “New Year Old Friends” Westholme event saw chef collaborators @timothyryanchi and @geniekwon from @kasamachicago, LA’s own @suzannegoin and LA-via-Australia chef @monty_koludrovic cook together to create a Wagyu-centred feast.
TIMING: Feburary 2nd, 2023
OVERVIEW: As our first ever New Year event tradition, Westholme hosts a “ New Year, Old Friends” event featuring our favorite previous Westholme chef partners including Suzanne Goin of A.O.C. and Food and Wines best new chefs of 2022 , Genie Kwon + Tim Flores of Kasama.
Gain Menu listings with Chef Attendees with a focus on branded menu placements
Rebuild partnerships with existing Chefs of previous collaborations to both gain additional menu placements and support existing customers
Build potential brand opportunities with new “friends” of Westholme, ie, Goldbelly meal kits, mailers or limited time Westholme menu features (a la Monarch with Humberto Leon)
Drive product engagement and brand awareness through a memorable experience at WHH